Prairie Moon

full moon old barns on prairie

Whether you live or have travelled through the prairies, you have undoubtedly seen many relics of past generations. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine a way of life different from current times.

These abandoned farm buildings that I regularly drive by are looking very weathered. They will not last forever…except in photos. I have had the opportunity to photograph them several times in different seasons and hope to continue to do so while they are still all standing.

As I stood in the ditch, waiting for the full moon to rise, I started wondering: Who took the time and care to build these granaries on an angle so that they could be easily viewed by passers-by on both crossroads? Did they know that people would talk about them for decades to come?

And then I try to imagine what future generations will think of our current way of life, and what relics we will leave behind for them to ponder and talk about.

framed print full moon on prairie in fall
full moon barns in winter

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Night Rainbow