It’s Written in the Stars

camping in tent under milky way mountains

Viewing the wonders of the night under a dark sky away from human created light pollution is an indescribable experience.

I have truly found that looking up at the sky in quiet contemplation eases my mind and rejuvenates my spirit. It brings order to the chaos, and is a way to find peace and inner calm.

Witnessing the endless sky and gazing beyond our lives here on earth, reminds us that we are part of something greater, something magical and awe-inspiring.

Research has shown that experiencing awe, including looking at the night sky, makes us more compassionate. It enhances our creative thinking and increases our kindness and generosity towards others.

It helps us to realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things, but instead of feeling insignificant, it helps us to recognize our responsibility to collectively care more for each other and to be better stewards of our earthly home.

horizontal framed image on kitchen wall
vertical metal photo print on kitchen wall

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Night and Day


Luminous Night